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When you have to choose an NFC chip, you must first clearly identify your needs and uses. Is the most important thing a fully compatible chip? Does it have to transmit sensitive data that needs to be secured? Will it be placed on a surface that may interfere with the chip?


For full NFC compatibility, we recommend chips from the NTAG family. Designed by NXP, they have been developed for use in consumer applications (advertising, inventory labels, tags for mobile apps, etc.).


For secure NFC use, we recommend chips from the MIFARE DESFire and MIFARE Plus family. They offer a high level of security for compatibility and data integrity.


The size of an NFC chip's antenna matters. The larger it is, the more its range will be increased, thus facilitating the reading of the chip. An NFC card will have a better range than a small NFC sticker.

Data size

The available size of an NFC chip to put your data on is an important parameter for your choice.
If you need little space for your data, like writing a simple URL, you can use NTAG213 (144 byte).
In case you need more space, like writing a business card (vCard) you can opt for NTAG216 chips (888 bytes).
There are also chips with larger memory such as MIFARE 1K, MIFARE DESFire 2K, 4K, 8K, or MIFARE PLUS 2K chips.

Metallic surface

Metal surfaces can interfere with your NFC chips. This is why so-called Anti-Metal chips have been designed. They have been developed specifically for this use. Their design protects them from any interference.

Outdoor use

In the context of outdoor use of your NFC chips, we advise you to use PVC supports such as tokens, key rings or cards. The chips will be better protected, especially against bad weather.


There are NFC supports such as clothing buttons which are resistant to high temperatures. They are very practical if you need an NFC chip on your clothes and require washing at high temperature (between 85°C and 200°C depending on the exposure time).


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